
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July Debt Update

It's hard to believe it's July already!  And we're already 6 days in.  Time seems to fly with four children and a house to take care of.  I wanted to do a quick update on our debt situation to keep me motivated. 

We are starting July with our debt being:

Credit Card One: $12,434.58
Credit Card Two: $1,936.42 

My goal this month is to pay off $500.00.  I'm still trying to get in a good groove of what our paychecks will be from Greg milking, otherwise I'd probably try to make that higher.  Pretty soon we will have bills from the hospital as well, which I'm really scared to see.  Our deductible for health insurance is supremely high, so I'm sure our bills will be right around the price of our deductible.  I need to get a budget in place by the end of the month so we're not spending on just anything and then questioning how we're going to pay for other stuff.  The worst is I never know just how much the farm bills will be since I don't keep track of what needs to be bought and what doesn't.  Hopefully by the end of the year we'll have a well established budget and will be on our way to getting well out of debt.  I'm tired of living the way we do, so it's time to change it!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Gymboree and Crazy 8 New Line Sneak Peek!

I absolutely love when I receive a new magazine in the mail and there's an awesome coupon inside!  Even better: When the coupon is for Gymboree!  The new Parenting: The Early Years has not only a new Gymboree coupon but one for Crazy 8 as well.  And along with the awesome coupons came a sneak peek of a future line!  My guess is this will be the line that comes out right after Gymbuck Redemption, since the coupon expires the end of July.

I'm going to take a guess that these are the Gymboree Baby Boy and baby Girl lines, since I don't think Gymboree would use the Newborn lines in their ads.  Boys looks like airplanes and girls looks like mice!

And of course I have pictures!
 The Gymboree ad!  Red and navy airplanes and pink and navy mice is what it looks like to me.
Closer shot of the boys' sweater.  Totally cute!
The detailing looks really great to me.
I love these matching jeans!

Closer shot of the dress.  I like it!
A little mouse friend in her pocket!

Look at the mice on the tights, CUTE!!

The Crazy 8 sneak peek!
Sweater dresses are the best!  I love these for fall and winter!

Shoes, not sandals!

Matching button up and shoes!  And I think the tee says "Property of Mom"
The Crazy 8 coupon, expiring July 31st!

The Gymboree coupon, also expiring July 31st!

Just seeing this ad makes me totally excited for FALL clothes!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Carters Baby Sale and Free Shipping!

Carters has an awesome deal going on today.  They have the last day of their Baby Sale and are offering free shipping on orders over $50.  For the free shipping, just enter the code JUNESHIP at checkout.  It only works today, June 15th, so order fast!

The Baby Sale has some pretty nice deals going on.  Some price points I saw:
5 pack of onesies- $12 (50% off)
2 pack pants- $8.50 (50% off)
Individual shirts and onesies- $4.99-$6 (50% off or more)
Indvidual bottoms- $3.99-$6 (50% off or more)
Outfit Sets (either a shirt and bottom or a bottom with two onesies)- $8-$10 (50% off or more)
4 piece sets (sleeper with hat/bib/socks or sleeper/onesie/bottom/hat or bib sets)- $12 (50% off)
Dresses- $6-$9.99 (more than 50% off!)
Sleep and Plays- $6-$7
Shoes- $4.99-$9

And that was just the girls' half!  If you're still looking for summer clothes or thinking of grabbing some cheaper items for next year, definitely check out this sale!  Carters onesies are my favorite; the quality is awesome!  Definitely worth buying 5 for $12!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Place to Share

Welcome to my new blog, a place for me to share all my awesome deals on clothes and accessories while also trying to get out of debt. 

Who am I?  I'm B, a stay at home mom to four wonderful children (A, M, L, and C) and a wife to one amazingly awesome husband, G.  I love shopping, especially for clothes for my children.  Gymboree is my biggest weakness, but I'll shop just about anywhere that has cute clothes!  I also love to take pictures and will probably share more than enough of them with my followers.  I don't love shopping for myself quite as much as my kids, mostly because I weigh more than what I really want to.  If I can lose a few pounds and start to look better in my clothes, I'm sure I'll love shopping for me again!  G doesn't let me shop a whole lot for him.  He doesn't really need a whole lot of fashionable clothing anyway.  He's a farmer and really, cows don't care what you wear!  My four babies let me shop for them though!  A is 5, turning 6 and will be starting Kindergarten this year.  She's just starting to find her own fashion identity, so it will be interesting to explore that with her.  M is 3, and loves dressing girly.  I love how I can buy her any dress and she'll wear it!  L is 20 months and my only boy to shop for.  Finding cute fashion for boys is more complicated, but I love the challenge of making him handsome.  Baby C is only 2 weeks and already a Tiny Diva.  I will dress her as cute and girly as I possibly can while I can.  She doesn't really fit into her clothes that well right now, but she'll grow one of these days!

So what do I plan on doing with this blog?  Well, for one, I plan on posting all the awesome sales I find on clothes and accessories, plus show off what we find in the process.  Hopefully I'll be able to help my followers find the same good deals as what I do!  I also plan on using this blog to document how I'm doing on getting out of debt.  I need a place where I can be held responsible for my shopping and maybe if I document what I'm buying, I'll be able to stop myself from overbuying.  As of right now, we're about $15,000 in debt, which I need to get rid of ASAP.  So I'll not only be posting how I'm clothing and accessorizing for less, but also the tips I find on getting out of debt and how I'm doing it. 

I hope you find this blog useful!  If you do, please do follow along.  I can use all the support I can get and would love to know I'm not only keeping myself on track but helping others as well!